Ruby Slippers Slot Machine (My Biggest Hit So Far), Vegas, Dec 2011

Record Wins YouTube Video Information:

I just got back from Vegas, and I’m going to be posting all the various big wins and bonus rounds that I recorded. By “Biggest win so far”, I mean on THIS slot machine, the Ruby Slippers. I’ve hit for bigger on Ten Times Pay, twice actually. But this was very cool. The reason I am hyperventalating about a “hand pay” is you have to pay taxes on that, and I was sure that IF it was a “hand pay”, that it wouldn’t be by that much. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, I sound disappointed at the beginning, because I didn’t think I had won that much! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Ruby Slippers Slot Machine (My Biggest Hit So Far), Vegas, Dec 2011

26 thoughts on “Ruby Slippers Slot Machine (My Biggest Hit So Far), Vegas, Dec 2011

  1. you're lucky you didn't have to handpay on this one. Usually most casino will make you handpay, which includes the amount you still have in the machine as well. Unless they changed that, I don't think it's fair to have to handpay on what you already put into the machine and are playing with.

  2. Awesome hit! 5 of a kind with wilds is what helped. Hand pays are on $1,200 or more on a single bonus game or line hit. What you have in your machine doesn't count toward the hand pay. I know this from having many hand pays.

  3. You weak bitch. ๐Ÿ™‚ it was an obvious I was talking about the 5x multiplier. If 2x, I win 2K. Que sera sera…

  4. How is that not a handpay? At my casino, anything over $200 is a hand pay on 1c, 2c and 5c denominations.

  5. Nice!!! i think im going to find the slot in vegas.. it seem like everyone is winning on the wizard of oz machine

  6. I don't get it why did the hand pay pop up? Then disappear? Plus you pressed cash out and it only printed $1000 of the $2000 you had in it?

  7. @princesskris01 ha no one posts videos of their losses no one talks about their losses.

  8. It wasn't a handpay. It was under $1,200. Apparently there's some formula, that if you win "x" amount, combined with the money you already have in the machine, they print the voucher of the win. So you don't have $2,000+ locked up in a machine at once. If you watch the whole video, it printed me a voucher for the amount of my win, and I still had almost $1,000+ left in the machine. So essentially, I got 2 vouchers – one right away, and one when I cashed out. I have no idea re: the formula.

  9. I agree with Dork Vader — I don't post my losses — who would watch that?? LOL I just post my wins. I enjoy Ruby Slippers — but I have lost a LOT on it some sessions. Other sessions, I kick ass. Such is the way of slot machines. ๐Ÿ˜€ That being said, Ruby Slippers (this particular WOZ machine) is IMO the best. It's got a lot of volatility — so you can win a LOT of money with a small bet.

  10. A multipler would have been great but the no taxes with this win is sometimes a greater win.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats!!

  11. Yes. If you look, right as the counter finishes awarding me credits, on the left, you can see it says "$2,138.69". THEN, it prints out a ticket for $1,096.80 (the amount of my win), leaving $1,041.89 in the machine, which you can see at the end. Still havent gotten a real explanation what the "limit" is on what you can have in the machine, but it DID happen to me one other time, on my "NOW BIGGEST" ever hit. but I cut it off before you can see it happen again..

  12. you can't have more than $1,200 in the machine. Metropolis Harrahs did that to me a few times. It'll print you a ticket for $0.50 if you go over by that much. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. These machines are so damn addicting! Back in February it was my last night in Vegas and I had spent most of my money on the Great and Powerful Oz machines at Planet Hollywood. I went back to Ceasars( pissed) with my last $100. Iput it in the Ruby Slippers Machine and hit max bet. I got 3 bubbles and 5x, I think I got some glindas and ended up winning $1200.00. Afterwards I got another bonus and took my machine up to $1500.00. I definately got the heck out of there with my winnings lol

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