12 thoughts on “Wicked Winnings Slot- JACKPOT HANDPAY AND HUGE WIN- 3 VIDEOS

  1. All great wins! Congrats! I wish Wicked Winnings was that nice to me. I still hope and dream. πŸ˜‰

  2. Wow !! Congrats !! What a fun looking evening ! Love to see people winning ! Thanks for sharing !

  3. wow tons of great hits shoulda kept em in seperate vids for more hits! congrats on the handpay

  4. That was Wicked! Oh, and for the record she is not a girl she is a she-devil. Oh that describes many girls too….oops…. JUST KIDDING!!!!!! (Really nice wins too!)

  5. #PLAY THAT 🎹 PLAY THAT 🎹 #keep the fire burning on those jackpots

  6. Those are great bonuses congrats!! Just subbed good luck next time….πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

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